Black, Dan A., Lars Skipper, Jeffrey A. Smith. “Training at Private Firms” Handbook of the Economics of Education E. Hanushek, S. Machin, and L. Woessmann editors, Volume 7, forthcoming.
Black, Dan A., Joonhwi Joo, Robert LaLonde, Jeffrey A. Smith, and Evan J. Taylor. “Simple Tests for Selection Bias: Learning More from Instrumental Variables” Labour Economics December 2022, 1-14. “”
J. Saxon and D. Black. “What We Can Learn from Selected, Unmatched Data: Measuring Internet Inequality in Chicago” Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 98(101874) September 2022 1-9. “”
Sloane, Carolyn, Erik Hurst, and Dan Black. “”A Cross-cohort Analysis of College Major, Occupations and the College Gender Wage Gap” Journal of Economic Perspectives 35(4) Fall 2021 223-48.
Black, Dan A., Yu-Chieh Hsu, Seth G. Sanders, Lynne Steuerle Schofield, and Lowell J. Taylor. “Black-White Mortality Differentials at Older Ages: Inferential Difficulties and New Evidence” Demography, 54(6) December 2017 2001-24.
Black, Dan A., Yu-Chieh Hsu, and Lowell J. Taylor. “The Effect of Education on Later Life Mortality” Journal of Health Economics December 2015 1-9.
Schofield, Lynne Steuerle, Brian Junker, Lowell J. Taylor, and Dan A. Black. 2015. “Predictive Inference Using Latent Variables with Covariates.” Psychometrika 80 (3): 727–47. doi:10.1007/s11336-014-9415-z.
Black, Dan A., Seth G. Sanders, and Evan J. Taylor, and Lowell J. Taylor. 2015. “The Impact of the Great Migration on Mortality of African Americans: Evidence from the Deep South.” American Economic Review 105 (2): 477–503.
Black, Dan A., Yu-Chieh Hsu, and Lowell J. Taylor. 2015. “The Effect of Early-Life Education on Later-Life Mortality.” Journal of Health Economics 44 (December): 1–9. doi:10.1016/j.jhealeco.2015.07.007.
Black, Dan A., Natalia Kolesnikova, and Lowell J. Taylor. 2014. “Why Do so Few Women Work in New York (and so Many in Minneapolis)? Labor Supply of Married Women across US Cities.” Journal of Urban Economics 79 (January): 59–71. doi:10.1016/j.jue.2013.03.003.
Black, Dan A., Natalia Kolesnikova, Seth G. Sanders, and Lowell J. Taylor. 2013. “The Role of Location in Evaluating Racial Wage Disparity.” IZA Journal of Labor Economics 2 (1): 2. doi:10.1186/2193-8997-2-2.
Black, Dan, Natalia Kolesnikova, Seth Sanders, and Lowell Taylor. 2013. “Are Children “Normal’?” Review of Economics and Statistics 95 (1): 21–33.
Black, Dan A., and Seth G. Sanders. 2012. “Inequality and Human Capital in Appalachia:” In Appalachian Legacy, 45–80. Economic Opportunity after the War on Poverty. Brookings Institution Press.
Black, Dan, Natalia Kolesnikova, and Lowell Taylor. 2009. “Earnings Functions When Wages and Prices Vary by Location.” Journal of Labor Economics 27 (1): 21–47.
Black, Dan A., Amelia M. Haviland, Seth G. Sanders, and Lowell J. Taylor. 2008. “Gender Wage Disparities among the Highly Educated.” The Journal of Human Resources 43 (3): 630–59.
Black, Dan A., Seth G. Sanders, and Lowell J. Taylor. 2007. “The Economics of Lesbian and Gay Families.” The Journal of Economic Perspectives 21 (2): 53–70.
Black, Dan A., Amelia Haviland, Seth G. Sanders, and Lowell J. Taylor. 2006. “Why Do Minority Men Earn Less? A Study of Wage Differentials among the Highly Educated.” The Review of Economics and Statistics 88 (2): 300–313.
Black, Dan A. and Jeffrey A. Smith, 2006. “Estimating the Returns to College Quality with Multiple Proxies for Quality” Journal of Labor Economics July 2006 24(3) 701-28.
Barron, John M., Mark C. Berger, and Dan A. Black, 2006. “Selective Counteroffers” Journal of Labor Economics July 2006 24(3) 385-409.
Black, Dan A., Terra G. McKinnish, and Seth G. Sanders. 2005. “The Economic Impact of the Coal Boom and Bust” Economic Journal April 2005 115(502) 444-71.
Black, Dan A., Terra G. McKinnish, and Seth G. Sanders. 2005. “Tight Labor Markets and the Demand for Education: Evidence from the Coal Boom and Bust.” Industrial and Labor Relations Review 59 (1): 3–16.
Black, Dan A., and Jeffrey A. Smith. 2004. “How Robust Is the Evidence on the Effects of College Quality? Evidence from Matching.” Journal of Econometrics 121 (1–2): 99–124. doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2003.10.006.
Black, Dan A., Jeffrey A. Smith, Mark C. Berger, and Brett J. Noel. 2003. “Is the Threat of Reemployment Services More Effective than the Services Themselves? Evidence from Random Assignment in the UI System.” The American Economic Review 93 (4): 1313–27.
Black, Dan A., Seth G. Sanders, and Lowell J. Taylor. 2003. “Measurement of Higher Education in the Census and Current Population Survey.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 98 (463): 545–54.
Black, Dan A., and Thomas J. Kniesner. 2003. “On the Measurement of Job Risk in Hedonic Wage Models.” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 27 (3): 205–20.
Black, Dan A., Hoda R. Makar, Seth G. Sanders, and Lowell J. Taylor. 2003. “The Earnings Effects of Sexual Orientation.” Industrial and Labor Relations Review 56 (3): 449–69.
Black, Dan A., Terra G. McKinnish, and Seth G. Sanders. 2003. “Does the Availability of High-Wage Jobs for Low-Skilled Men Affect Welfare Expenditures? Evidence from Shocks to the Steel and Coal Industries.” Journal of Public Economics 87 (9–10): 1921–42. doi:10.1016/S0047-2727(02)00014-2.
Black, Dan, Kermit Daniel, and Seth Sanders. 2002. “The Impact of Economic Conditions on Participation in Disability Programs: Evidence from the Coal Boom and Bust.” The American Economic Review 92 (1): 27–50.
Black, Dan, Gary Gates, Seth Sanders, and Lowell Taylor. 2002. “Why Do Gay Men Live in San Francisco?” Journal of Urban Economics 51 (1): 54–76. doi:10.1006/juec.2001.2237.
Black, Dan A., Mark C. Berger, and Frank A. Scott. 2000. “Bounding Parameter Estimates with Nonclassical Measurement Error.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 95 (451): 739–48.
Black, Dan, Gary Gates, Seth Sanders, and Lowell Taylor. 2000. “Demographics of the Gay and Lesbian Population in the United States: Evidence from Available Systematic Data Sources.” Demography 37 (2): 139–54.
Barron, John M., Mark C. Berger, and Dan A. Black. 1999. “Do Workers Pay for On-The-Job Training?” The Journal of Human Resources 34 (2): 235–52.
Black, Dan A., Brett J. Noel, and Zheng Wang. 1999. “On-the-Job Training, Establishment Size, and Firm Size: Evidence for Economies of Scale in the Production of Human Capital.” Southern Economic Journal 66 (1): 82–100.
Berger, Mark C., and Dan A. Black. 1998. “The Duration of Medicaid Spells: An Analysis Using Flow and Stock Samples.” The Review of Economics and Statistics 80 (4): 667–75.
Black, Dan A. and Daniel Nagin, 1998. “Do Right-to-Carry Laws Deter Violent Crime?” Journal Legal Studies January 1998 27(1) 209-219.
Black, Dan A., and Mark A. Loewenstein. 1997. “Dismissals and Match-Specific Rents.” Labour Economics 4 (4): 325–40. doi:10.1016/S0927-5371(97)00024-9.
Barron, John M., Mark C. Berger, and Dan A. Black. 1997. “How Well Do We Measure Training?” Journal of Labor Economics 15 (3): 507–28.
Barron, John M., Mark C. Berger, and Dan A. Black. 1997. “Employer Search, Training, and Vacancy Duration.” Economic Inquiry 35 (1): 167–92. doi:10.1111/j.1465-7295.1997.tb01902.x.
Black, Dan A. 1995. “Discrimination in an Equilibrium Search Model.” Journal of Labor Economics 13 (2): 309–34.
Barron, John M., Dan A. Black, and Mark A. Loewenstein. 1993. “Gender Differences in Training, Capital, and Wages.” The Journal of Human Resources 28 (2): 343–64.
Berger, Mark C., and Dan A. Black. 1992. “Child Care Subsidies, Quality of Care, and the Labor Supply of Low-Income, Single Mothers.” The Review of Economics and Statistics 74 (4): 635–42.
Baye, Michael R., and Dan A. Black. 1991. “A Differential Measure of the Real Wage Index.” Economics Letters 36 (3): 295–98. doi:10.1016/0165-1765(91)90036-K.
Black, Dan A., and William H. Hoyt. 1989. “Bidding for Firms.” The American Economic Review 79 (5): 1249–56.
Barron, John M., Dan A. Black, and Mark A. Loewenstein. 1989. “Job Matching and On-the-Job Training.” Journal of Labor Economics 7 (1): 1–19.
Barron, John M., Dan A. Black, and Mark A. Loewenstein. 1987. “Employer Size: The Implications for Search, Training, Capital Investment, Starting Wages, and Wage Growth.” Journal of Labor Economics 5 (1): 76–89.